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Celebrating Our New Sunglasses With A Launch Party

Celebrating Our New Sunglasses With A Launch Party

As you might've heard, we hosted a launch party for the NEW product in our Kore Essentials line-up... magnetic sunglasses.

The obvious choice was to spend the evening on the patio of our favorite local brewery, Modern Times, with our friends, family and customers.

We showed off our existing gear - dress & gun belts while encouraging everyone to...

Experience the difference of a Kore ratchet belt...

Sip a beer and try on our sunglasses...

...and watch as we proved the power of the sunglasses magnetic locking system with parkour athletes who performed stunts with the shades clipped to their shirts.

(We might've casually launched our new T-Shirt designs, too.)

And then we challenged our guests to compete in a push-up contest to WIN a pair of the new shades. 

Overall, a good time was had... 

And after a couple beers, it definitely pays off to have Kore sunglasses that clip to your shirt (no shades lost or scratched) and an adjustable Kore belt to loosen up.

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