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The Arms Guide Gun Belt Review

The Arms Guide Gun Belt Review

Review of the Kore Trakline Gun Belts by Brian Norris. Spotlights the Kore EDC belt for durability, adjustability and overall function.

Originally posted April 6, 2017 on "The Arm's Guide"  
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I like gadgets but detest gimmicks. Sometimes the two are difficult to distinguish. Some might call the Trakline Gun Belt a gadget, that’s fine, but I’d argue with anyone who called it a gimmick. A leather belt without holes is certainly unusual but I’ve taken the necessary time to be sure the product works. This belt is perfect for busy professionals wether they carry a gun or not. It features classic styling with quality construction (due to the gun industry) that you simply won’t find in department store products. I like the X2 and X1 buckles.

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The X3 is just as well executed but my life experiences have left me unable to appreciate faux finishes. If something is not what it pretends to be I immediately recoil. In this particular case there’s no reason to. It is a belt buckle and a good one… I just prefer not to pretend there are holes where there aren’t.

I’d like to highlight two distinct advantages to this belts design.


When a KORE gun belt arrives you’ll notice the 54” leather belt with cut marks that allow the user to customize the belt to their exact length requirements. This belt will accommodate a 24″ waste all the way up to a 54″– that’s incredible!  This provides a level of fit and ordering ease that is unheard of with most belt manufactures. The quality of comfort provided by that custom fit is further enhanced by the trakline design. The ratcheting belt buckle has 40+ options in the track. This allows for considerably more fit precision then standard belt holes. To give you a clear picture; there are 7 size notch options per two holes on my 5.11 gun belt.

Trakline Gun Belts by Kore Essentials -

Like many gun belt companies Kore reinforces their gun belts with a poly-core for stiffness.  This should allow the 1.5” belt to effectively carry small to midsize handguns in IWB of OWB configurations. During my test period I’ve carried the Smith & Wesson Shield, SIG 320 Compact, Glock 19, and Smith & Wesson J Frame at different times— all with ease. This belts adjustability translates directly into your comfort.


One might wonder if the trakline buckles will prove reliable over time. You might think is a metal clamp holding leather sufficient to secure my gun? The answer is an unequivocal yes. This belt is tough and the buckle does it’s job very well. Kore makes a point of the metal’s strength by illustrating it’s usefulness as a bottle opener and though I’m not sure if you’ll want to take your belt off to enjoy a cold one the point is clear. Their unique design is patented for good reason, it works really well– there are sure to be imitators.  In addition, over the past few months the leather hasn’t shown the wear one might expect. I think this is due to the design evenly distributing the guns weight rather than applying all stress to one hole. Everything eventually wears out but I’m sincerely curious to learn where this belts eventual failure point will be years down the road. In most belts that answer is clear because the stress point is clear however in this case your guess is as good as mine. I can’t be sure if the trak, the stitching, or the actual leather will fail first. This belt’s above average durability is readily apparent in our testing.

If your looking for a leather belt for work and play this solution will meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Good night, the removable buckle even makes going through the TSA line more manageable.

If your interested in being a gun guy while not always wearing clothing that screams gun guy I can’t think of a better belt option. Check out Kore and let me know what you think. I bet you’ll say that it’s a gadget but far from a gimmick.  

Trakline Gun Belt by Kore Essentials -

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